Controls and Safety Devices

Operations Box with Emergency Stop


All Bot X systems are equipped with an operations box/ button box. This Operations Box should always be within reach of the operator allowing for the safe enabling/disabling of the Universal Robot quickly if needed. 


From left to right: 

  1. Key Switch to enable/ disable the arc: allowing for simulation without welding. 
  2. Stop button: used to stop the program in all non-emergency situations. 
  3. Start button: used as a safe redundant start command. 
  4. Cat 1 Emergency Stop button: Performs a Stop Category 1 (IEC 60204-1) this should be used in emergency situations only. 

Cobot Teach Pendant with Emergency Stop


Universal Robots that are shipped with a BotX system are packaged with a Universal Robots Teach Pendant. At the top of the Teach Pendant is another Cat 1 Emergency Stop Switch. This also performs a Stop Category 1 (IEC 60204-1) and should only be used in emergency situations. 


Just like the E-stop in the Operation Station: When this button is depressed it causes a Cat 1 stop condition. This is a controlled stop that involves quickly bringing the robot to a stop followed by the removal of power.

Stack Light with Horn


Mounted on the left side of the docking station is a 4 segment stack light with an audible horn. This stack light will indicate 3 different states of the machine by color: 


  1. Red: When the stack light is solid red, It indicates that there is a fault: It is important to note that this can be caused when the Universal Robot (UR) Controller has not yet established communication with the power source. 


  1. Yellow: If the stack light turns solid yellow it is warning the operator that the bot is in motion.


  1. Green: Green indicates that the machine is in a “ready” state: it is not actively playing a program, there is no error or warning active.
  2. Horn: The audible feature of the stack light is used to indicate that the robot is about to start welding: before the welding starts the horn activates twice before initiating the arc to prevent operator injury. 

Torch Mounted - BotX Tool

The BotX Tool attaches the end of the UR arm, mounted between the arm and the torch adapter. The tool has three buttons to be used by the operator to simplify teaching of the program. 


  1. Black Button: This is the free drive button: when pressed it allows the operator to manually manipulate the arm to the desired position. It is worth noting that as the robot approaches its limits (joint or special) the arm begins to stiffen/ create a repelling force. 


  1. Red Button: a short press of the red button is used to teach circular way points (see Section 6-3) as well as to teach tack points (see section 6-4). It can also be used to delete previous points as well: a long press of the red button will delete the last node.


  1. Blue Button: Apart from teaching tack welds, the blue button will record a linear move (see section 6-2), while teaching tack welds the blue button will create an air move to avoid obstacles as described in section 6-4.